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皇冠投注网教职员工亲和团体的使命, 与多样性司合作, 公平与包容, is to cultivate a connection 和 sense of belonging for historically underrepresented faculty 和 staff members. 通过这种归属感, affinity groups can help support 和 retain faculty 和 staff from marginalized 和 underrepresented backgrounds 和 identities. Affinity groups will support the program’s mission by facilitating activities which enhance 和 convene the unique identity shared by its members for the benefit of their members 和 the broader campus community. Applications for new affinity groups are open at the beginning of the spring semester. A list of current affinity groups plus their contact information is listed below. General questions regarding the affinity group program can be sent to 丹尼吊桶.

The 青年专业人员小组 provides a space for young professionals 和 early career professionals in higher 教育 to share resources 和 connect across 皇冠投注网’s campus. The group’s goals are to provide 网络 opportunities for p艺术icipants, 促进资源共享, 留住皇冠投注的年轻人才. Join our “Young 专业s Affinity Group” Teams page to learn more 和 get involved! 这个小组没有年龄限制,欢迎所有人参加.
联系人: 凯蒂·纳尔逊

Juntos @ 皇冠投注
We are a social group made up of Latinx employees at 皇冠投注网 whose main purpose is to get together on a qu艺术erly basis, 有时更多, in order to promote 和 share our love for all things related to our cultures: food, 艺术, 音乐, 电影, 教育, 等. We do this not only to retain our own cultures but to also support 和 encourage appreciation for the Latinx community in Indianapolis.
联系人: 啤酒x 卡特

The 亚太岛民社区 is made up of diverse faculty 和 staff who have come together with shared values of respect, 包容, 协作, 宣传和教育. We foster community 和 belonging among us 和 create opportunities for 团结, 网络, 为皇冠投注的会员提供资源共享和指导. We aim to develop 和 promote 教育al tools 和 events that advance knowledge of the diverse lived experiences of 亚洲, 亚裔美国人, 以及校园内外的太平洋岛民社区. 今天就加入皇冠投注,给皇冠投注中的一个发电子邮件!
联系人: 2023年秋季 Su-Mei Ooi认为 2024年的春天 N和ita Das

The 犹太文化 Affinity Group aims to foster dialogue 和 connections amongst faculty 和 staff interested in or curious about Jewish life at 皇冠投注. 当皇冠投注建立这个社区的时候, we hope to be able to offer 教育al outreach programs to raise underst和ing across campus.
联系人: Hilene Flanzbaum

The faculty women of color collective offers mutual support 和 community for Black, 土著, Latinx, 阿拉伯, 亚洲, 太平洋岛民, 以及其他有色人种的女性教师.  任何有共同承诺团结的教员, 平等主义, 相互问责是受欢迎的.
联系人: 罗宾·特纳

估计已经结束了 58% of the workforce is female; however, only 35% of senior leadership positions are held by women. This gap indicates there is work to be done to ensure women are provided with equal opportunities to hold senior leadership positions. It’s also equally important to care for 和 develop women who are in leadership positions to ensure they thrive in leadership positions 和 to mentor/coach/develop other future women leaders. This group is open to any individual currently employed at 皇冠投注 in a leadership position who is passionate about the leadership challenges, 能力, 和 approaches applicable to women seeking leadership positions 和 helping women in leadership positions thrive in their roles. We will discuss the unique challenges women face as leaders as well as explore the bumpy roads associated with being a leader in today’s environment.
联系人: 斯蒂芬妮梦幻号

We are a social group whose purpose is to enjoy our shared interest in the visual 艺术s, 和 we aim to encourage faculty 和 staff to exchange ideas 和 build networks for the enrichment of the 艺术s at 皇冠投注网. 视觉艺术学会(SOVA) welcomes faculty 和 staff to join the society to connect through visual 艺术s.
联系人: 琳达威廉 

The purpose 和 goal of this group is to create a network of support 和 community for LGBTQIA+ individuals at 皇冠投注. We will coordinate social events that facilitate supportive relationships, 哪一种会使指导成为可能(排名不分先后), 团结, 展示会员对管家及其他方面的贡献, 和 the sharing of professional 和 pedagogical development opportunities.
联系人: 伊莉斯爱德华薰衣草McKittrick-Sweitzer

This group has two purposes: 1) to explore the body of scholarship around decolonizing the classroom & curriculum; 和 2) to provide space to think about how that scholarship translates into classroom 实践. The group will discuss readings, films or other scholarship on decolonizing higher 教育. 它也可以包括成员带来的时刻, 实践, assignments from the classroom to discuss 和 problem-solve together. We will discuss inviting external scholars to share with the larger university community.
联系人: 朱莉·瑟西杰里米Townsley

The purpose of the group is to gather monthly to discuss how to best instill community engagement 和 social responsibility into the 皇冠投注 students, support each other in our efforts concerning community engagement, 和 discuss new programming to encourage our peers to become involved in community engagement in their classes.
联系人: 玛丽的福音 

The purpose of the group is to bring together 皇冠投注 faculty 和 staff who wish to develop an approach to work that is sustainable, so that we can produce output that is of high quality but also of humane quantity. 皇冠投注的目标包括为会员提供资源, 展开讨论, 并就可持续的生产性工作交换意见.
联系人:  安德鲁Stoehr